When anyone lands on a website for the first time or is visiting a website to find information, one of the first things they will look for is either a search box, where they can enter a search query as they do in Google or for a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page (FAQ).
Of the two, a search box might be more accessible, as often all it requires is a plugin or app to be added to the website. Also, consider that an FAQ page needs the questions to be established and the answers determined, plus they all need to be written and published. However, that extra effort in creating an FAQ page and adding it to your web design can generate several advantages for your website and its performance. Listed below are ten of them.
People Appreciate Quick Answers To Their Questions: The most obvious advantage of getting your web designers to add an FAQ page is that it gives visitors to your website quick answers to the questions they want to be answered. It could be one of those answers is that takes them to the next stage of your sales process.
Conversions Are Increased: If they have answers and it moves them closer to a purchase, ultimately, you will find that conversions on your website increase. Even if you do not have an eCommerce site where sales happen directly, it should mean that more visitors follow the calls to action that are on your website.
Boosts Trust In Your Business: If you are prepared to answer as many questions as possible on your FAQ page including those which the answer might not always seem positive, then that honesty bodes well for visitors having a greater level of trust in your business than before.