Shopping for groceries There's an app for that

Shopping for groceries? There’s an app for that

Grocery shopping is a necessary evil, and we think, best done online without stepping foot in the supermarket.

Woolies are hoping their new iPhone app will make grocery shopping just a little easier.

The TV ad with Amanda Keller shows Amanda and hubby using their smartphones to scan barcodes from their empty cartons in to make a shopping list – that looks pretty useful. You can also search for product names and add them to your shopping list.

It doesn’t yet allow you to fire up your online shopping account and order everything to be home delivered tomorrow, but hopefully this is a future enhancement. That would make it almost the perfect solution – if it was synchronised to existing online shopping data and allowed you to amend shopping lists, and add new items to your online list from the app.

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One to One Integrated Digital Marketing

One to One Integrated Digital Marketing

Customers Have Changed

How customers engage with organisations is vastly different from the fairly recent past and will continue to change in the future. Customers engage with individuals and companies in two way communication through multiple channels, across multiple communities and platforms. Through this engagement they are shaping how companies and brands are perceived. Marketing needs to change to address this change in behaviour and to engage with customers in a personal and consistent way.

Current Situation

Many companies are struggling with internal organisations, processes and systems geared up for product centric, one way, mass marketing which is increasingly irrelevant to today’s customers . It’s safe to say that the companies that succeed in the future will be those that make the shift to one to one marketing and engage customers as individuals.

Today many companies use multiple and uncoordinated databases, processes and campaigns. This leads to uncoordinated activities with multiple, inconsistent customer contacts. As well as often being irrelevant to customers, it is also inefficient, costly and doesn’t provide the greatest return on marketing investments (ROMI). Companies that provide a consistent customer experience, integrated across channels, that is personal and relevant to the customer can improve customer retention and advocacy, as well as achieving greater returns.

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Working The Social Angle

Working The Social Angle

In our latest report, eMarketingConnected lifts the lid on the social media habits of Australia’s largest 500 organisations, providing a benchmark for organisations across the country still struggling to come to grips with how to use their social media channels.

Social media might be a hot topic, but this report is the first of its kind in Australia. Comprehensive and broad, the report takes a long, hard look at the realities of social media usage in top Australian businesses. Each organisation studied was analysed against more than 40 points of data, including such metrics as the number of followers, volume and type of updates, engagement levels and what they are using social media for.

Underpinning this research is a timely drive to understand how Australian brands are using social media, which social media platforms they use and what the results have been in terms of consumer engagement.

Surprisingly, despite social media being an important part of integrated marketing for many organisations, less than half of the largest Australian organisations are using each of the social channels studied—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. In fact, only 12% of the 500 organisations studied use all four of these social networks and 31% are not using social media at all. Of the organisations using the four networks, the most popular with followers are Telstra, Optus, Qantas, Virgin Australia, Myer, Monash University and the University of Sydney.

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5 Email Marketing Errors Removalists Companies Must Avoid At All Times

5 Email Marketing Errors Removalists Companies Must Avoid At All Times

If you have read any of our other posts and articles relating to online marketing you will have doubtless seen us strongly recommending email as an online marketing channel. For all kinds of businesses, including removalists, email marketing provides one of the simplest, but most effective means of communicating your message to prospects and existing customers.

Given its simplicity, it might seem strange that so many businesses try email marketing but soon give up because they do not see any positive outcomes. They then assume that what they had read about email marketing being so effective, was wrong. The issue that has arisen is not that email marketing does not work,  but that how they are using email marketing is incorrect.

In most cases where a business is failing to see any positive outcomes from their email marketing, you can usually identify one of the five most common mistakes made when using email for marketing purposes. To help you avoid these same mistakes we have outlined them below along with advice as to how they can negatively impact any email marketing campaign you implement for your removalists business.

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5 Best Cloud-Based Marketing Tools

5 Key Data Points Removalists Can Use To Measure The Success Of Their Online Marketing Strategy

Whenever you have an online marketing campaign set up and implemented for your Removalists Melbourne business, you must have the means to check its performance. By doing so, it will allow you to take further actions that can complement and improve the campaign. As desirable as that sounds, unfortunately, many business owners do not measure their online marketing campaigns properly nor sufficiently.

Part of the problem is that some business owners have tunnel vision and thus the only number they look at is their revenue. Whilst this is certainly a key metric for all businesses, including removalists, it is not the only one. Further, it may not necessarily provide as accurate a measure of an online marketing campaign’s performance as is necessary.

Within any online marketing campaign, several markers paint a far more useful illustration of where the campaign is working, where it is not, and crucially, which elements are providing an excellent return, and which are not. The importance of measuring data is so that the campaign can be improved where possible, and if necessary stop some aspects of the campaign altogether if they are proving to be completely ineffective.

To assist you in measuring the performance of any online marketing campaign you are running now or in the future for your removalists business,  here are 5 key data points which you should be focusing on.

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10 Awesome Design Tools To Help Enhance Your Online Marketing

10 Awesome Design Tools To Help Enhance Your Online Marketing

From the earliest days of sales and marketing, what prospects see, rather than what they read or hear, has often determined the campaign’s success. Today, the professionals from Oxygen Marketing will tell you that whether it be a drawing, a photograph, an infographic, a video, a logo, a colour, or a font, they have all made positive differences in the success of a marketing campaign.

At one time, graphics and imagery were the domain of skilled graphic artists and designers; to be fair, their talents still have a massive role in the world of marketing today. However, with the advance of technology, several tools and software have allowed almost anyone to create high-quality designs. As such, we would like to share 10 of the best of them with you so that if you wish to test your design skills for your next marketing campaign, you can do so.

Canva: Probably one of the most well-known and popular sites on the internet for those who need marketing graphics and want a simple and affordable way to create them. CCanva’s drag-and-drop interface can be used to create infographics, logos, charts, graphs, or just about anything visual you can think of.

Venngage: As with Canva, it would probably be quicker to tell you what Venngage cannot be used to create than list all the graphical assets for your marketing that it can be used to make. It has a free and paid version, with the paid version opening up many additional templates and customisations.

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7 Ways In Which Digital Marketing Can Benefit Your Family Law Firm

7 Ways In Which Digital Marketing Can Benefit Your Family Law Firm

Whatever services it offers and how it is structured, there is no escaping the fact that your family law firm is, ultimately, a business, and as with any other kind of business, it can only survive if it is generating sufficient revenue. If you are looking for ways to enhance your revenue levels through a digital marketing agency, you should consider some ideas from digital marketing specialists.

Their experience and expertise in digital marketing have allowed them to create several strategies that have allowed businesses of all types to grow and achieve levels of success that any business owner would wish to replicate. In truth, that success can be replicated by your family law firm if it correctly utilizes digital marketing.

If so, there are several benefits that you will accrue, and not just the core one of increased revenue, albeit many of them will help to facilitate that. Here are seven benefits digital marketing can bestow upon your family law firm.

More Effective Identification Of Target Markets And Audiences: By using digital marketing, or better, if you employ a digital marketing agency with all their expertise and experience,  the ability to identify and target the audience and that sector of your marketplace which are the ideal candidates for your marketing messages is greatly improved, meaning enhanced results.

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Beyond The Basics

Beyond The Basics

Why The Largest Australian Retailers Are Losing The Online Battle

Australia’s large retailers face increasing competition online from both Australian and overseas retailers. We have conducted research into 62 of Australia’s largest retailers in Australia and their basic capabilities across web, email, social and email.

Today, consumers use multiple online channels throughout the purchase lifecycle – for information search and evaluation, for purchase and for post-purchase service and reassurance about a product or service. Every Australian retailer therefore needs to understand their customer and these digital touch points to ensure they provide a seamless customer experience and optimal engagement.

Our research found a broad range of capabilities used by Australia’s largest retailers. The most basic capabilities are used by almost all retailers. Going beyond the basics we found that most retailers are selling online but the techniques and capabilities used vary widely with tried and tested techniques in some cases only used by a small minority of retailers.

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Is Australian online retail really that bad

Is Australian online retail really that bad?

A recent Round Table discussion we held asked the question “Is Australian online retail really that bad?” Recent reports have highlighted that online sales in Australia continue to grow but that a large proportion of these sales continue to go overseas.

In June Pacific Brands chief executive Sue Morphet told an Australian Institute of Company Directors event that Australia was about three to four years behind other countries in retailing trends, (source – The Australian 27/5/2011). She said online represented about 10 per cent of total sales in the UK and 8 per cent in the US, but only 3 per cent in Australia.

Overseas online retailers have a disproportionate share of the market, and whilst the market is growing overseas suppliers will grow their market share to the detriment of local online retailers. It also seems to be generally accepted that Australia is 2-4 years behind the US and UK (our closest cultural comparison) in online retail and eCommerce.

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